The video series The Rich Tradition, based on Elisabeth Luard's book European Peasant Cookery, was broadcast in the early 1990s. It was directed by Carmelo Musca of CM Film Productions. In Revisiting "The Rich Tradition", Elisabeth Luard gives an updated introduction to the series.
In 1985, Elisabeth Luard published European Peasant Cookery: the Rich Tradition to great acclaim. It rapidly became a go-to book for cooks, food lovers and critics. A new revised, expanded and updated edition of European Peasant Cookery was published in 2017 by Grub Street Publishing in the UK and other countries, and in the United States and Canada under the title The Old World Kitchen, published by Melville House.
Talking of Food is pleased to stream the series The Rich Tradition in full, including, as a bonus, the pilot episode, entitled Home from the Sea. The episode, which explores the traditional food and culture of Tangier in Morocco, was never broadcast, so is made public for the first time here on Talking of Food.